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About Registration Form

Edit and customize the registration form fields with these simple yet essentials setup.

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Written by EventNook
Updated over a week ago

Customization is one of EventNook’s specialties, including your event’s registration form. You can have custom questions and fields based on the information you require to collect from the registrants. Flexible, easy, and simple, with a few clicks, you can have your personalized registration form. This is a short video guide for how to set up the registration form with Eventnook.

The following is the step-by-step instruction to make your customized registration form.

  • From the main page, go to My Event -> Manage -> Settings

  • Go to the Registration Form, where you will see the following fields to start the customization.

  1. Add Custom Field (Will be explained separately here)

  2. Advanced Form Setting (To learn more, click here)

Default Registration Form Field

  • The field for First Name, Last Name, and Email would have been set as default by our system.

Add Standard Fields

  • To easily and quickly add some custom fields, check the items under Standard Fields

Edit the fields in the registration form

  • Click the Edit button on each field in the registration form to start editing. You will find:

    • Label Name: Field for title Name, Email, Mobile Number, etc.

    • Help Text: A description/instruction will appear under the registration field. you might want to specify some requirements or address potential concerns in this field.

    • Required: Check this box if you want this field to be compulsory.

    • Hide this field: The field will be hidden from the registration form & will mostly be useful for internal reporting purposes.

    • Field Type: Allows you to change the type of fields quickly. You can choose the dropdown menu to switch the type, but do take note that the default field type can’t be changed.

    • Default Value: Can be filled up to make a faster registration experience. Examples of this default value are the "Company" field can be filled with some specific company name as the default value.

      This form can be set with consideration that most of the registrants coming to the event are from a particular company

  • The Arrow button can be used to ascend and or descend the field while the Trash button can be used to delete the field

Terms and Conditions

EventNook allows you to set up your event’s custom terms and conditions to specify your policy, such as event cancellation & refund, data privacy, etc. The Terms and Conditions can be set under the Registration Form

  • Toggle or click on the Yes, add terms and conditions in the registration form of the event to enable. Customize the Name and Description of the terms or policy according to your preferences

  • You are also free to customize the I Agree text. Once everything is set, click Save Changes to save all the setups.

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