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View Attendees and Check-in Report

View, Search and Export attendees list in Attendees Report

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Written by EventNook
Updated over a week ago

EventNook provides access to the registered list of attendees through the Attendees Report, located in the Report link on the Manage section. It is a condensed list of all registered attendees' information written in the registration form. Under the attendees' report, you can search and view the details of attendees and check-in status such as check-in time.

To access the attendees report, please refer to the following steps:

  • From the Main Page, go to My Events β†’ Dashboard β†’ Manage

  • Go to Attendees under the Report Section

  • Navigate through the list by choosing which information you want to see through the 'Show Columns' list. Any column unticked will be hidden from the list for efficient navigation.

  • You can also export or download the attendees' data by simply clicking the Export

When you have a large number of registered attendees, you can also filter the list by Orders, Tickets, Check-in Status, and Order Date. 

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